Training and Capacity Building

We are committed to empowering farmers with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Our cooperative offers comprehensive training programs that cover various aspects of agriculture, including modern farming techniques, crop management, post-harvest handling, and business skills. Through these programs, we aim to enhance farmers' capabilities and equip them with the tools necessary for sustainable farming practices.

Quality Agro-Inputs

We understand the importance of using high-quality inputs for optimal crop production. Our cooperative provides farmers with access to reliable and certified agro-inputs, including seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and other essential agricultural supplies.

Market Linkages

We understand the critical role of a strong and reliable market for our members' agricultural produce. We are committed to creating market linkages that empower our farmers and enable them to access profitable opportunities. Here's how our cooperative connects farmers to the market:

Value Addition

Our focus is on adding value to agricultural products to unlock their full economic potential. We facilitate value addition activities that transform our members' raw agricultural commodities into higher-value products. By assisting farmers in processing and packaging their produce, we enable them to access more profitable market segments and increase their income.

Committed to improving Agricultural Produce in Uganda and Africa